Wegscheider, B., Linnansaari, T., Monk, W. A., Ndong, M., Haralampides, K., St‐Hilaire, A., Schneider, M., & Curry, R. A. (2021). Quantitative modelling of fish habitat in a large regulated river in a changing climate. Ecohydrology, e2318.
Wegscheider, B., Linnansaari, T., Ndong, M., Haralampides, K., St-Hilaire, A., Schneider, M., & Curry, R. A. (2021). Fish habitat modelling in large rivers: combining expert opinion and hydrodynamic modelling to inform river management. Journal of Ecohydraulics, 0(0), 1–19.
Rideout, N. K., Wegscheider, B., Kattilakoski, M., McGee, K. M., Monk, W. A., & Baird, D. J. (2021). Rewilding watersheds: using nature’s algorithms to fix our broken rivers. Marine and Freshwater Research.
O’Sullivan, A. M., Wegscheider, B., Helminen, J., Cormier, J. G., Linnansaari, T., Wilson, D. A., & Curry, R. A. (2021). Catchment-scale, high-resolution, hydraulic models and habitat maps – a salmonid’s perspective. Journal of Ecohydraulics, 6(1), 53–68.
Wegscheider, B., Linnansaari, T., Monk, W. A., & Curry, R. A. (2020). Linking fish assemblages to hydro‐morphological units in a large regulated river. Ecohydrology, 13(7), 1–14.
Wegscheider, B., Linnansaari, T., Wall, C. C., Gautreau, M. D., Monk, W. A., Dolson-Edge, R., Samways, K. M., & Curry, R. A. (2020). Diel patterns in spatial distribution of fish assemblages in lentic and lotic habitat in a regulated river. River Research and Applications, 36, 1014–1023.
Wegscheider, B., Linnansaari, T., & Curry, R. A. (2020). Mesohabitat modelling in fish ecology: A global synthesis. Fish and Fisheries, 21(5), 927–939.
Wegscheider, B., MacLean, H. O., Linnansaari, T., & Curry, R. A. (2019). Freshwater mussel abundance and species composition downstream of a large hydroelectric generating station. Hydrobiologia, 836(1), 207–218.