Scientific papers and other reports

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Projet Lac Synthesis Report

At the end of 2021 we published the final synthesis report of our project "Projet Lac" in which 35 peri-alpine lakes over a period of 10 years were fished quantitatively for the first time. In Switzerland alone, 106 fish species were detected. With almost 20 percent of all known fish species in Europe, Switzerland is one of the hotspots for fish species diversity. The results are now the basis for measures for sustainable fishing and the protection of this still preserved diversity.

Progetto Fiumi final report

In 2023 we published the final report of our project "Progetto Fiumi" in which a reference collection of the fishes living in Swiss rivers was established for the first time. More than 50 fish species were detected. The sizes of fishes caught ranged from small sticklebacks of only 2cm up to big catfish of 138cm length. Eleven species that are not considered native to Switzerland were caught in 26 out of 324 locations.