in peer-reviewed journals and popular scientific press Peer reviewed journals Study of 17,000 years of fish fossils reveals rapid evolution, Science, 2023 (PDF, 7.4 MB) Fossil clues to a trigger for cichlid fish diversification, Nature News & Views, 2023 (PDF, 1.1 MB) Reeling in answers to the freshwater fish paradox, PNAS, 2021 (PDF, 1.1 MB) Hybrids spawned Lake Victoria's rich fish diversity, Science, 2018 (PDF, 245KB) Eco-evo effects up and down the food chain, Science, 2012 (PDF, 321KB) Tooth surface reveal what fish ate, Nature, 2012 (PDF, 129KB) Darwin's Dreampond revisited, Nature, 2010 (PDF, 948KB) The ecological theater, Science, 2009 (PDF, 107KB) Visual tuning may boost African cichlid diversity, PLoS Biology, 2009 (PDF, 90KB) The Year in Nature, Watching speciation, Nature, 2008 (PDF, 700KB) Red fish, blue fish, one fish becomes two fish, Science Now, 2008 (PDF, 52KB) Conservation with Sense, Science, 2008 (PDF, 303KB) In sight of speciation, Nature, 2008 (PDF, 319KB) Hybridization, transgressive segregation, genetic covariation, and adaptive radiation, TREE, 2005 (PDF, 139KB) Ghost of speciation past, Nature, 2005 (PDF, 658KB) Puzzling over the origin of species in the depths of the oldest lakes, Science, 2003 (PDF, 179KB) Fractious phylogenies, Nature, 2003 (PDF, 136KB) Why are there so many cichlids?, TREE, 1998 (PDF, 32KB) Popular scientific press Verkehrte Welt - in Schweizer Voralpenseen läuft die Evolution rückwärts, Laborjournal, 2012 (PDF, 89KB) Native fish species under pressure in the Engadine and Poschiavo,, 2015 (PDF, 180KB) Eutrophication led to fish extinctions in Alps, Science for EU Environmental Policy, 2012 (PDF, 98KB) Fish hybridise themselves extinct in Alpine lakes, New Scientist, 2012.pdf (PDF, 52KB) In der Küche der Evolution, SNSF Horizonte, 2011 (PDF, 2.1 MB) Decline of freshwater species - a loss of natural capital, Science Centric, 2010 (PDF, 64KB) Entstehung und Niedergang der Arten, Laborjournal, 2009 (PDF, 1.3 MB) The Darwin bicentennial: Modern Darwins, National Geographic, 2009 (PDF, 4.3 MB) Identity Crisis, Conservation Magazine, 2008.pdf (PDF, 233KB) In sight of speciation, Nature news & views, 2008 (PDF, 319KB) Speciation and Ecology, Meeting records, Bulleting of the British Ecological Society, 2007 (PDF, 607KB) Demonstration the Theory of Ecological Speciation in Cichlids, PlosBiology, 2006 (PDF, 2.4 MB) Lost African lake spawned fish diversity "beyond belief", National Geographic online, 2005 (PDF, 258KB) Dark secret of the lake, New Scientist, 2004 (PDF, 1.9 MB) Nuptial colour displacement in Victorian cichlids, Practical Fishkeeper, 2004 (PDF, 13KB) Lost & Found, Conservation in practice, 2003 (PDF, 883KB)